Who I Am…
I’m a bit of a renaissance man, who approaches problems and challenges in an innovative, human focused way.
I’ve spent 15 years working in Special Education improving the lives of underserved communities, in business co-founding and leading several companies with successful multi-million dollar exits, and coaching sports from High School Football and Lacrosse, to helping NFL Players prepare for the Super Bowl.
I’ve been a high school football coach right here at Carmel High School, served as one of the district’s first ever lacrosse coaches, and now, in addition to my other work, coach and train NFL players, which has been profiled by ESPN and the Athletic.
I’ve helped young people impacted by Autism win a 25 mile bike race, and helped NFL players prepare for the Super Bowl.
I’ve spent time talking with parents of teens and young people in need of mentorship, and legends of the NFL like Kurt Warner, Steve Young, and Tony Boselli as to what made them great and successful.
My whole professional career has been spent observing the behavior of others, listening to who they are and want to be, and helping in whatever way I can to help them achieve greatness.
I believe very strongly in service leadership. I have been in the service of others my whole career, leading them to where they want to go, helping them along the way, and exhausting every lever at my disposal to achieve the desired outcome.
That is what I want to do for my home, our home.
Transparency for Putnam County
“That said, as your legislator I must do more than simply be transparent. I must also fight to improve the state of our district.”
Quick Facts About Me
Ensure that County business is done transparently, something I already have a record of fighting for, whether it is fighting to protect our farmers, or ensuring the public has the right to address issues directly to our government BEFORE they take a vote.
Fight to have Putnam County, which is currently sitting on a sales tax revenue surplus, join the rest of the modern world in re-distributing that surplus funding back to the very towns and its people (us) that provide it
Provide innovative solutions to the numerous vacant properties and land plots in our District that do nothing to serve this district, and just collect dust as a tax write off as its held hostage as eye sores.
I will fight to prevent county land in District 5 to be used for even more medical offices and attorney’s offices, something that’s already directly proposed by our current District 5 legislator.
In furtherance of that, I will fight for the Hamlet and use my position as Legislator, and the bully pulpit that comes with it to advocate directly to the Town of Carmel to stop ignoring Carmel Hamlet when it conducts its business and end the decades long practice of focusing almost exclusively on Mahopac, using every mechanism available to me as a county legislator.
I will fight to improve and aid programs that provide adult services for individuals with intellectual disabilities through vocational training programs. Nearly 10% of the Putnam County population is impacted by this, and these citizens want to be, and can be, fully participating members of their communities, lessening financial burdens on their families, themselves, and the county. I have personal experience already achieving these outcomes first hand.
Putnam County, Carmel Hamlet and Kent are important to me because this is where I’m raising my family. My kids go to school here. We’ve become great friends with our neighbors of all ideologies here. We all want the same thing": To raise our families in a community and county we can take pride in. We can both protect our farms AND build family-friendly downtowns. We can keep tax dollars local and STILL provide top-notch services. I believe that.
Polling locations for the election have not yet been announced. Once it is, I’ll let you know here. Election Day is November 4, 2025!
Easily accessible weekly recaps of every legislative session I attend. I’ve already begun with my YouTube channel.
Hold monthly town halls both in person and virtually.
Send out a monthly newsletter with primary sources to county business.
I’m running for the District 5 seat in Putnam County. This district covers Carmel Hamlet, Lake Carmel and the Hill and Dale/Sparrow Ridge portions of Kent.
Why I’m Running
I am running because our current government is self-serving and ineffective. Attend just one County legislative meeting and you will see it for yourself. Broken promises, self-interest, and an inability to get even the basic things done.
They are ineffective because while their foundational purpose is to work on behalf of us and inform us, they have failed to meet this very low standard.
Beyond that, or because of that, they have stopped thinking innovatively of how to make the government work for us.
I am your neighbor. I am not doing this for me. I am not even doing this for you. I am doing this for us, To remind us of what it means to be part of a community, a community we can have pride in.
Contact Me
Have questions about my campaign? Want to learn more about me and the issues I’m passionate about in Putnam County? Reach out!