Issues I’m Campaigning On
Transparency in Government
I have been on the record, speaking directly to our county government about the need for them to be more transparent, and to allow the public to speak freely at their meetings so we the people can voice our concerns.
If elected, I will only amplify that fight to give the Hamlet and Kent a true voice in decision making.
Keeping Tax Dollars Local
Fight to have Putnam County, which is currently sitting on a multi-year sales tax revenue surplus, join the vast majority of the counties in New York State in re-distributing that surplus funding back to the very towns and its people (us) that provide it.
I have already confronted our current county legislators on the record about this, and if elected, will provide a crucial vote to making it a reality.
More Issues Important to Me
I will use my position and bully pulpit as a County Legislator that represents the Hamlet to advocate directly to the Town of Carmel to stop ignoring Carmel Hamlet when it conducts its business and end the decades long practice of focusing almost exclusively on Mahopac, using every mechanism available to me as a county legislator.
I will fight to prevent county land in District 5 to be used for even more medical offices and attorney’s offices, and instead work towards innovative solutions that use county-owned properties in Carmel Hamlet and Kent to be used for a more family friendly downtown, keeping resident dollars here at home.
I will fight to improve and aid adult programs that offer services for families with individuals with intellectual disabilities through vocational training programs.
Nearly 10% of the Putnam County population is impacted by this, and these citizens want to be, and can be, fully participating members of their communities, lessening financial burdens on their families, themselves, and the county. I have personal experience already achieving these outcomes first hand.
You can stay informed on what I’m campaigning on and more by subscribing to the Hamlet Behavior Guide.